

Imam Abu Zar'a 'Ubayd Allah ibn Abd al-Karim (264 AH), was one of the imams who emerged in modern science in his time in his request and publication. And his words in the wound and the amendment is mentioned in various books, including his weak book in his answers to the questions of Al-Barza'i, and the wound and the amendment, and the misguidance of Ibn Abi Hatim, and other books of imams. And knowledge of Murad imams and their purpose of words and sentences that they give in narrators, is one of the most important topics of modern science and most concerned about the achievement of the desired goal in the wound and modification. I have written a research that showed the word Sheikh at Abu Zarah al-Razi and is it a statement of documentation? Or slander? It was used by Imam Abu Zarah al-Razi in the launch of some narrators, where it is difficult to know the meaning of them only using the evidence and contexts to know the meaning in every statement by a critical critic. And the word of Shaykh either to be absolute any word, or to be constrained by another word, and when bound to know the meaning of whether they are to modify, or to defy.
