Aims and Vision

 Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences (AUJIS) is a scientific journal dedicated to publishing original and distinguished articles in Islamic sciences in all its branches, in a way that contributes to the advancement of the scientific level of Sharia majors, according to a pure Islamic vision.

 Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences (AUJIS) accepts articles from all countries, especially articles that address problems and develop solutions to the developments of the times, and they will be reviewed by At least two specialist experts.

 Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences (AUJIS) is a large-scale journal that publishes articles in the disciplines of:

- Theology and creed.

- Interpretation and the sciences of the Qur'an.

- Prophetic hadith and its sciences.

- Fiqh and its foundations.

- Islamic thought.

- Orientalism.

- Religions.