

The verb "Cover" in the Holy Quran :
Study in the stylistic change and it's significances
The Quranic address is intentional in that Almighty God come up with to achieve many goals constituted the pivot of people's life . It was a plain statement that addressed the mind and self together to reach into an absolute satisfaction in its existence and to believe in it . therefore , it comes up with important styles and topics based on such goals among which the verb "cover" and its significant formula and changed structures which participated in verifying two important values:
1.Intellectual value being based on protest to have many structures with the aim of comprehending , reminding and awakening .
2.Rhetorical value being based on many styles that provide us with many meanings that aim to move the minds to reach the big or main idea , in addition to the depiction and gestures values .
The study of verb structures and its changes is based on five pivots according to the context and what it gives as an additional significance :
1.Being an important picture within depiction and gesture structures portraying many psychological stales .
2.It comes to signify the meaning of "refusal" through picturing the behaviour of the disbeliever , resistant , arrogant and the blind who cant see the verses of God .
3.It includes the meaning of "union" to depict the scared relation among people which is the "marital relationship" .
In addition , we have the "time" significance through depicting the process of day and night alternation to show God's greatness since the process is quite clear to people who are really impressed .
Finally , the significance of destruction , torture and intimidation and the verb "cover" comes to be the torture itself ; it is the reason and result at the same time .
