

Civilization dialogue represents one of the contemporary and living issues. It is know as the hour dialogue as a result of the interactions of the international relations and the increase of the effects of the differences among nations.
The choice to write about this topic stems from the faith in the necessity to expose the Quranic perspective to a critical issue that represents an identifying mark in the relationships among nations. Consequently, a group of it remarkable details has been selected to be subjected to the Quranic rules of concepts to facilitate their understanding in accordance with the facts and axioms of the Holly Quran.
The present study aims at treating the problem of exposing the definition of the Islamic civilization and the relationship between this definition and the concept of nations dialogue to link that with definite standards of this dialogue that set its limits and general frameworks in an attempt to show the effect of the Holly Quran on the various issues of the nations dialogue. The objective is to arrive at expected results for the future of this dialogue from the perspective of the Holly Quran on the basis of a number of givings and to the other’s cultural perspective.
The scarcity of studies in this field and the interest to benefit from his specialization have pushed the researcher to arrive at definite results for the problem that the nations dialogue concept locks Quranic insights that show the Muslim’s position viz-a-viz this issue as represented by Almighty God’s Book “Quran” in details.
The study has tried to answer a hypothetical question concerning the reality and benefit of nations dialogue. Are the standards of such a dialogue actually capable of ensuring the purity of the results of this dialogue? It is hypothesized that there is the problem previously mentioned in terms of the existence of the Quranic standards for such a dialogue in addition to the Quranic effect to direct the nations dialogue on the basis of the means and objectives for an active dialogue among human beings to establish a state of peace and secure coliving after the human populations set their policies and cultures in fair of balanced contexts and never attempt to destroy or attack other or raise up at his expense.
The researcher has adopted the variable and documentary approach for Quranic interpretations and historical reading and supporting references to reveal facts and documented scientific results. The human famous civilization; old and contemporary, have represented the limitations of this study to prove a particular basis for nations dialogue that remains constant in place and time.
The study is divided into an introduction and three sections. The first section is entitled “Civilization” and Dialogue between Standards and Definition”, the second is entitled “Civilizations Dialogue and its Effect when Guide by Quran” and the third “Civilizations Dialogue and its Future on the Basis of Universal Rules in the Holly Quran. These are followed by the conclusion and list of references.
