

The present paper tackles the following issues:
1- Whether the order requires repetition or not. His old opinion was to stop at giving clear cut answer, while his new opinion necessitates performing the command once, not to repeat it.
2-Whether the order requires carrying it at once or not. His old opinion was to stop at giving clear cut answer. In his new opinion, orders require only obedience.
3- Commanding after prohibition. His old opinion was to stop at giving clear cut answer. In his new opinion, this issue is detailed; if the imperative comes in the form of “Efal” and the prohibition was based on a cause, the order was to remove criticism. If prohibition was not based on a cause, it becomes desirable. On the other hand, if the imperative does not come in the form of “Efal”, it can carry both desirability and necessity.
4-Commading without the ability to carryout that. In his old opinion, he prohibits it and in his new opinion he admits it.
5-Whether prohibition necessitates invalidity or not. In his old opinion, it is invalid but in his new opinion it is valid.
