

The book of mu’een Al-Mufti on Jawab Al-Mustafti, written by Imam Shams Al-Din Muhammed Bin Abdulah Bin Ahmed Bin Muhammed Al-Khateeb Al- Tamrtashi Al-Ghazzi Al-Hanafi, is considered one of the important books in the jurisprudence of Imam Abu Hanifa, may God have mercy on him . The writer of this book has a prominent place among late jurists of Abu-Hanifa doctrine as he collected precious issues from the mothers of the books adopted in the doctrine reviewing the sayings of the reliable doctrine scholars and pointing out to what really happened of those sayings in his era or the last. The writer depended upon the fields of jurisprudence in the organization of his book. The means of proof are considered important and vital in the study of Islamic judiciary since the style adopted by the judge is depended on to prove people’s rights, while the corruption of style prevents people’s access to their rights. Thus, jurists paid much more consideration to means of proof as they wrote books on this part. On this basic, the study investigates one of the sides of proof means which is Iqrar as the book of Iqrar comprises five sections which have not yet been investigated.
