

Thanks for Allah for forgiveness and praise and peace for his prophet and all his followers.
After ending up with this research , it is necessary to mark the its utmost findings;
Alhajjaj has two meanings: materialistic and spiritual and it is necessary to be prudish, religious and purity.
From a religious point of view, Alhajjaj shows the wisdom of Sunaa, Glorious Quraun, and wisdom of convention and reason.
The body has adornment in seven organs and it is not forbidden to look at our adornments unless placed properly.
The research shows that the veil is legally stated in the Glorious Quran and the Prophet's Sunna.
The research shows that wearing the veil is not only found in Islam but in other religions and many communities wear it as well.
The research shows the validity of uncovering Women's legs as mentioned in the Prophet's traditions.
