
The root (Dhad, ra'a, ba'a/Dharaba-hit) between the dictionary usage and levels of Quranic oration.
This research is concerned with the survey of the root (Dhad, ra'a, ba'a) tackled by linguists and with the linguistic analysis of this root and the relevant meanings it is associated with. The research deals also with the role of context in meaning determination and how one meaning is different from another according to context and situation. The research is divided into two parts:
The first is concerned with the dictionary usage of this root by defining its meanings as they appear in dictionaries in addition to the viewpoints of linguists about it. The second part deals with levels of Quranic oration and the use of the root in the holy Quran and how it differs in meaning according to situation and the effect of context in the determination of meaning. This part is divided into various titles in accordance with the meaning to which the utterance of a word is related whether the word is a verb or a noun. The research ends with a conclusion in which some results are summarized.
