Document Type : بحث


1 University of Anbar - College of Islamic Sciences

2 -University of Anbar - College of Islamic Sciences


In this research, we tried to shed light on important topic whose philosophical and religious aspects were linked to some philosophical personalities such as Abu Bakr al-Razi and what was known about him from different positions regarding some sensitive topics on which faith is based or not. In this research, we dealt with the most important suspicions created about Abu Bakr Al-Razi's position on prophecy, the three monotheistic religions, and the sacred books. I followed the inductive method, trying to stand by it at the most important main points that we referred to, preceded by a detailed definition in which I tried to define this character, which many researchers have long neglected to mention, and lost most of its intellectual and philosophical output. The research was divided into an introduction, a preface, four demands, and a conclusion in which I mentioned the most important results that I reached through this research. 


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