

A research summary of unmarked (undo religious discourse between the sons of the nation and its leaders and problematic on the reality of society) Dr Khalid Ibrahim Al-alussi Muslim/professor of interpretation in the interpretation section and head of the former section/University Islamic sciences faculty-praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace envoy A mercy to the worlds and his family and companions: after: the religious discourse of modern terminology found in the reality of the nation as a result of external factors whose link religions with each other however understandable may have confused many people because the concept is another term for us with formulas for this plurality that Pending alfhom by scientists that accompanied this term, including one who went to that particular religious revelation and uphold professionalism and strictness and whom link between being saluted with the accompanying and understanding that we can say with commentators mentality of them rely on revelation term that a delegation from outside the nation says the philosophy Religious speech and the fact that the differentiation between legitimate discourse emanating from the Qur'aan and Sunnah, and between religious discourse based on 4 mujtahideen among scientists and understand the nation could call the mindset of Islamic thought. Branches which are replaced and which may be affected more right and wrong which tolerate edgewise Ijtihad is not understand her infallibility, but the approach to pay right researcher has this axis is Arta research on introduction and four detectives first topic: introducing religious discourse in language And the term indicating the difference between himself and legislative discourse, the second topic: the effectiveness of religious discourse between the Ummah and its importance, and the third section: reasons for the decline of religious discourse and its impact on the nation, and finally the fourth section: religious discourse and its role in correcting the nation's reality and remove problematic. Then the finale that are the subject of the study results and thank Allah the Lord of the worlds
