

Today, the nation faces great cultural challenges on different fronts. These challeges aim to blur the nation’s intellectual texture and direct its cultural move towards self-conflict. Cobsequenly, this would weaken its potential for interraction with cultural developments and hinder its progress in achieving its human mission. This has resulted in the inability of its dicscourse to confront challenges, rather it has declined from its positive levels when the Muslim mind used to be represented in the visions, principles and thoughts by noble rules enriched by the Holy Quran. In this light, the study addresses the incorrect vision about the Islamic discourse which feeds the minds of a great number of young people. This vision pushes these people towards extremity and violence. In addition, it is exploited by some intellectual groups and political circles to achieve benefits in grwoing extremism and coercion. The study aims to highlight a number of the rules which the Holy Quran identified to control discourse. To achieve this objective, the study adopts the inductive approach to analyze texts and infer rules of moderate discourse and its measures. The findings of the study indicate that the system of values which the Holy Quan identified to control discourse are not a mere self desire within the good conduct or noble intent. Rather, they represent a legislation the Muslim should adhere to. This is because they are elevated and religion is perfected by them. Anything else that opposes these values, stems from an incorrect vision, blind imitation, lack of religious belonging or a deviation from the values which Islam calls for. A keen reading of the Quranic texts shows that good speech and its perfection represent the foundation of discourse and the general rule identified to construct discourse. In addition, discourse must generally be purified when addressing events or people, with Muslims and non-Muslims, the good and the bad, and in the religious and material discourse. Moreover, in order to build civilized and cultivated cultural relationships, the Holy Quran has encapsulated discourse within a system of ethics that elevate it whether in articulation or intent by the addresser or the addressee.
