

This research includes six issues of Hajj taken from a short book of the controversies of al-Bayhaqi Ahmad bin Farah al-Lakhmi 699 e delegation took the views of the seven schools of Hanafi, Malik, Shaafa'is, Hanbalis, Al-Dhahriya, Zaidiyah and Imamiyah. The first view was presented by the Shaafa'is as the author of the book is the Shafi'i doctrine and the jurisprudential view of the strongest evidence has tended to give some consideration to his doctrine and doctrine. he issues are as follows: The first issue: Hajj immediately or on the lax. The second issue is: ihram in Hajj during the months of Hajj. The third issue: the best types of Hajj. The fourth issue: Ihram for the source of the Haram. Question 5: Entering the Haram with a penny Question 6: Gather prayer in Muzdalifah In conclusion, Praise be to God, who guided us and we would not guide if not God, if this research right, it is God has the credit and the purpose, and if it is not so I and the devil and ask forgiveness of God Almighty and repent to him and prayers and peace on our master Muhammad and his companions and peace.
