

The research goals to define the interpretation and its difference, the difference between scientists in it. also wanted the showness not appearance. explaination the delay of interpretation from address time to its need. how the difference between scientists leads to the existence the five schools. the benfit of this delay, which is discussed in deep details. the study is the footnotes on Al Talweeh of Imam Ahmed Bin Abdullah Al-Hanfi (D: 862 H) which is studied and investigated from the explaination book in isool alfigh science. The study contents on introduction and three chapters. introduction: the definition of isool alfigh science and the importance of manuscripts investigation, definition of shoreh altaleeh book by teftazani, the defination of footnotes by imam alqurymi and the cause of its authernoss, the plan thatis followed in the study order. chapter one: contains of two points, firstly: definition of imam al-teftazani. Secondly the author of footnotes. The defination involves of (name, nickname, birth, students, books and the date of death). chapter two: It contains three steps. The first is the description of the used copies in investigation, the second is about the currilicum and the lastone is the samples of manuscripts. chapter three: The investigation of the investigated text, then general bibliographies
