

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the best and the best prayer to our master Muhammad and his family and companions. The choice of the great companion Erwa Albarqi and his narrations in the prophetic Sunnah and studying them analytically as the title of my research, .He (may Allah be pleased with him) is one of the companions who have acquired science by their accompany to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and he , narrated (may Allah be pleased with him) about Sayyidina (our master) Omar Ibn al-Khattab, and Sayyidina (our master)Saad Ibn Abi Waqas,( may Allah be pleased with them). However we found only three narrations in the books of the prophetic Sunnah. I collected what was scattered in the books of translations and the study of narrators about his life and I found out that he was enjoying good self-development and obedience and compliance with the teachings of Islam and he received dignity after the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Allah for him a blessing in livelihood. He was one of those who participated in the wars of apostasy under the banner of Saydina (our master) Khalid bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him), Then, the judiciary in Kufa in the succession of Sayyidina Omar (may Allah be pleased with him), and then I made a study to his narrations, an analytical study in which the secrets of his narrations and their meanings and the benefits, and the rule of the narrators who examined his narrations, and then I concluded the research showing the most important results.
