

Belief in the judiciary and destiny has relieved the Muslim from diving and trying to explain many of the mysteries that occur in his life as the topic (the judiciary and destiny has become a large repository) that includes everything in anthropology, whether its knowledge or the inability to explain it, in addition to that it has become a factor of psychological comfort and stability for society and personality Believer in Islamic religion, and it became an easy solution to many of the people's difficult problems. This is because one of the characteristics of faith is that it results in reassurance of the heart, its comfort, and its conviction of what God has blessed it with, and not attaching it to others. This is the good life. For the servant, and the love of creation for him, the possibility of being replaced on earth, inheriting pride, freedom, security, complete guidance, attaining God's special knowledge, reward, great reward, seeking forgiveness, campaigning for the throne of the believer, God fixing the believer, and God commanding the angels to confirm the believers and pray for them, and above This has guaranteed them security, and the highest grades are in In heaven, forgiveness, graceful provision, transcendence, and highness, in this world and the hereafter, and whatever our number and our number to the end of counting of good things, God has prepared for His servants no eyes that have seen nor the ear heard and no danger to a human heart.
