

This research aims to explain the role of Imam Al-Jahidh in the interpretation, as it is considered a vast scientific wealth in the fields of literature, language and authorship, and it is one of the flags of writing in the Abbasid era, and he belongs to the mental school, which was the basis of Mu'tazilah. However, he had his own opinions that he violated There are people of retirement, and one of his method of interpretation was reliance on reason and sound hadiths that some Mu'tazilites had rejected, and he was satisfied with the interpretation of the media imams, as well as mocking the science of rhetoric in explaining the meanings of the Qur’an. Search, and the topic came first On the personal and scientific life of Al-Jahidh, the second topic: on the school of Imam Al-Jahidh in the interpretation to which he belongs, then the third topic: was in the statement of the approach of the forward Al-Jahidh in the interpretation of its title then the fourth topic: I showed the views of Imam Al-Jahidh retired in the interpretation. Then the conclusions that contained the important results for this study, in reference to the sources and refer.
