

Fish wealth is very important in a person’s life as it is an important part of his food, so Islamic law permits him to glue. FISHING is a project that has proven its legitimacy in the book, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and consensus. And the fish does not need legal intelligence, so he took his smiles to him, saying, peace be upon him (referring to us dead and the blood of fish, locusts, liver, and spleen) and because the fish overwhelms hunting or comes out of the water, all his blood is transferred to his gills as if you slaughtered him, so we see his gals are blessed, that is, the blood is glory to God It passes to its gills, and if its blood dries up its color is white and not black like other blood of other animals, so its blood is clean and not unclean. Because he is born of his flesh and flesh is pure, even if his nose dies. One of the contemporary issues in fish is that it is sold when it is alive and when it is sold it needs cleaning and cutting, and neither the seller nor the buyer waits for a period that may take a long time for its soul to come out. So we came through this research that it is permissible to hit the fish on its head after hitting the knife from the bottom of its neck, thereby reducing its movement and dying so that it can be cleaned and cut, and God knows best. It is not permissible to fish with electric shock, nor explosives, nor something impure, nor a poisonous substance, because this wastes fish resources and harms people and God is the successor.
