

This research is concerned with the rooting of the drawn and the readable of the Holy Quran, tracing and extrapolating the ruling for each, and the relationship to the validity of reading. The research problem lies in finding the relationship between the drawn and the readable, as compatibility between reading and drawing is a condition for the authenticity of the Holy Quran. And determining what is read and what has not been read. The research aims to introduce the Mushaf of Othman bin Affan – may God be pleased with him – and the reason for naming and writing it, and the goal of uniting Muslims over his Mushaf, and its effect on narrating and receiving, clarifying reading according to Sunnah and the need to be accepted, and it's the scale and the standard of compatibility between readable and drawing, clarifying the effect of the drawn on the readable and the connection in between. The research also aims to clarify the effect of the method followed in drawing the Mushaf Othmani in controlling multiple narrations of readings, so it was decided that not everything is permissible to draw, permissible to be read.
