

This paper aims to highlight the fundamentalist efforts of Imam al-Qurafi, which he mentioned in the absence of its fluorescence, that is, in the books of the branches of jurisprudence. And because of the importance of fundamentalist differences in constructing rulings, and that they remove the confusion and lift the confusion between many fundamentalist terms, which are almost similar in appearance to a large extent. Here, there is an urgent need to differentiate between those fundamentalist terms. Therefore, the scholars of the origins are interested in mentioning the differences in different places in their works when there is a problem between the two terms. Therefore, we find Imam al-Qarafi tracking it and stipulating it. Whether in his book (Anwar al-Burooq fi Anwa al-Furooq), which he devotes to al-Nuqul, or in his book (al-Thakhira fi al-Fiqh). Therefore, I chose to search for fundamental differences, because they contribute to overcoming obstacles facing researchers and students.
