

This study deals with the study of the preferences of Imam Al-Bayhaqi in his book Al-Khilafiyat Fi Bab Aledah (The Disagreements in the Waiting Period Section). The study has been completed in a form of comparative jurisprudential study. The study dealt with some important issues related to the woman’s waiting period in the light of jurisprudence of Islamic Shareaá regulations whereby some of these regulations are based on them which is necessary for woman to be committed on them according to orders of our Almighty Allah. I explained the meaning of the recitation part in which the dispute occurred between the Islamic schools of thought, as well as explaining the waiting period of woman where her Haidh frequency was unequal in terms of the period of time. I mentioned their evidences for knowing the preferred and accepted among them and mentioned the accepted point of view with reference to whether it was the preferred one is in agreement with Imam Al-Bayhaqi or disagreed with it. In both cases, I mentioned the reason of my preference for this point of view. I ask the Almighty Allah to grant success for what I preferred.
