
University of Anbar - College of Islamic Sciences


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the creations, and may peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions.To proceed: As my teachers have suggested to me to write my thesis entitled ((The Verbal Opinions of Badr Al-Din Al-Zarkashi (D. 794 A.H.) in his book Tanshif Al-Masami'a bi Jami' Al-Jauam'i), that there is no book, or an independent research that shows the dogma of Imam Al-Zarkashi, except his book entitled (The Meaning of there is no God but Allah) in which he spoke about some verbal issues, so the verbal issues that he mentioned in his book Tanshif Al-Masami'a by Jam'i Al-Jawam'i. I have studied them comparatively side by side with the dissenting groups of the public in a scholarly thesis that was a complement and a summary of Imam Al-Zarkashi’s moderate verbal approach and his moderate thought. My methodology in writing the thesis was the academic and scholarly one adopted in the universities and colleges. My study was comparative. Concerning this research paper (the Exception in Belief according to Imam Al-Badir Al-Zarkashi), was extracted from that thesis. The nature of the paper required that after this introduction it is to be divided into two demands and a conclusion. The first was devoted for Imam Al-Zarkashi’s personal and scholarly life, the second demand was to study the exception in belief. In the conclusion, we came to say that the exception is permissible for all groups as it deals with the belief of the future, and what the consequence is, and saying that it is permissible does not mean to doubt its consequence, but fears a bad end and hopes for a good outcome, connecting the faith of repudiation, which is the only delivered by the will of almighty Allah, this is what the people of the Sunnah and Al-Jama'ah, whether Al-Ash'aris and Al-Maturids, that Imam Al-Zarkashi agreed with them.


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