

People all the time need someone to guide them, inform them and teach them the matters of their religion, as was the prayer and peace teaches the people, it is the task of all the prophets, came and ordered to reach the messages of their Lord. It is also the mission of the preachers after them, they are the heirs of science and call, as said by prayer and peace: ((scientists and heirs of the prophets)) (2), the need for calling and reporting is required at all times to the time of the hour, it is the task of all jealous of this religion, especially In our time, we need more. The material and temptations of life dominated the hearts of many people and indulged in them and moved away from the orders of God and the morals of Islam, so that people are not forbidden to do evil, and do not shy from the taboo of God. It is necessary to revolutionize the situation and awaken the hearts of its negligence, by guiding in order to live Islam in our societies, and the nation rises from the ruins of the accumulation of foreign intellectual, moral and ideological conquest. In this mission and the nation's need for it. The da'i, if his heart does not burn longing, and his soul is torment, and his mind is important to this religion, he does not speak guidance because it does not find anyone to listen to him, because the call is the heart of the universe and the spirit of existence and the balance of the world, and the valve of security and safety for him.When the preacher does not feel his responsibilities in saving faith, which threatens him from a great danger in the whole world.So how does he want the world to take from him and listen to him? It must also be loaded with tens of compassion and compassion spiritually and morally for those in need to have a great impact on them, as well as the preacher must be driven by the responsibilities of the call for greater awareness, understanding of the spiritual and intellectual guidance of the world, and through the discovery that others can understand.And it must also, not to hit his soul cool, and the fire of his longing, and the heat of his heart on this religion.These are some of the general features that I have said in this research in the field of the call to God. May preachers benefit everywhere, to elevate religion to the highest of its houses, and in the original form drawn by the Qur'an and Sunnahإ
