

Since the emergence of its light on the face of the earth to the present hour, Islam has faced wars by its opponents, the most important of which were two types of war: a military war and an intellectual war.Represented the first type through the history of wars of infidels and polytheists against the prophets and messengers, including their wars against the Prophet  and against his followers from his nation.The second type of war was represented by the use of the enemies of Islam to question, mock, and publicly and secretly preaching to their falsehoods to get Muslims out of their true religion.This is not surprising for them, but it is strange to find them agents and pretenders and supporters from the ranks of Muslims, help them in terms of how they feel or not feel .. by adopting their poisoned ideas and promote.One of the ideas they promoted was to accuse Islam of terrorism, brutality, or cruelty by applying a criminal system that in many parts differs from other criminal systems in the world.This made me and my colleague after I offered him the idea to write in this subject in order to have the honor to defend the Islamic Sharia in front of the attacks of its opponents, we get the reward of jihad for the sake of Allah, and to correct this misconception among some of the deceived him.
