

Allâh the Almighty has prescribed for His servants the provisions of which they are working, and these provisions, including what is general, include women and men, which are the most legitimate costs, including the five obligatory duties. Some of them are special for men without women such as the Emirate, and Friday prayers and some of them are for women only, such as menstruation, puerperium and kit.I have written this research for several reasons:The first reason: Muslim women know their place in the Islamic religion, they are the mother in her satisfaction, may Allah be pleased, and in her indignation of the wrath of God, a wife who lives in the souls and reassure. She is a sister and a girl - pet life.And because of its importance recommended by Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - in the farewell sermon for good and this shows great care for Muslim women at all times and places, especially that the Muslim woman invaded at this time in the street, at home, and in school to rob her dignity and humiliation, and to descend Of the status that Allah Almighty wanted for her.The second reason: To show one of the important aspects in the life of Muslim women, so mourning is a legitimate matter that concerns women, which is a time imposed by the wise street on the woman after the death of her husband four months and ten waiting for non-marriage until the end of this period.The third reason: In order to know that the death of her husband dissolved the contract, and that God Almighty has begun mourning to show the importance of this contract and show honor. And that with God place, making the kit for him, and make mourning of this intent and confirmed until the wife made the first act on her husband from her father, son, brother and other relatives, and this is to maximize this contract and honor.The fourth reason is for women to make sure the difference between marriage and incest is all of its rulings.Therefore, it was prescribed at the beginning of the marriage to proclaim it, testify to it, and beaten with a tambourine to achieve the countermeasure between it and the incest.Islam proceeded at the end of it and ended the kit and mourning and showed regret for it unless it was prescribed in the incest.The fifth reason: for women to know that sadness is a sentimental condition of every human being, but even animals grieve, and even every living being made by God to strengthen the bonds of affection and love between creatures, and to facilitate the natural reproduction in life, and the evidence in what narrated by Anas bin Malik - may Allah be pleased with him - said We entered with the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - on Abu Yusuf al-Qain () and was small to Abraham - peace be upon him - took the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - his son Abraham accepted him tattooed, and then we entered him after that The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him He said: "O son of Auf, it is a mercy, then I follow it with another." - May Allaah bless him and grant him salvation. But what pleases our Lord, and I am for separating you, Abraham, for those who are mourning.Face indication:This hadith came to tell about the innate need of man to grieve and cry without grief and wailing, which was by the tear of the eye and the heart of the paper without indignation to God Almighty. To teach women that in the law of Islam from moderation, and taking into account the weakness of man what is the case, especially the wife when losing her boyfriend, and companion of her path, there is no negligence and no excess, no violation of mourning and not pockets, slapping cheeks, and raise the voice with alarm.The sixth reason is that when a woman knows that the period of mourning has been reduced to four months and ten months after it was a full year, so that the kit does not abound by leaving the decorations ornaments and the completion of mourning period, it is a short period for the duration before the commencement, and he mentioned - peace and blessings be upon him - what they were They do in the ignorance of the eloquent mourning year, and Sabrn on it, do not Sabrn four months and ten, Zainab said: I heard Umm Salamah says: A woman came to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said: O Messenger of God that my daughter died her husband has complained her eye Isn't it? The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, `` No, two or three times. All this says: No, then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'It is four months and ten months'. '' .The seventh reason: For a woman knows that it is not permissible to mourn on the dead above three days, whether a father, son or brother, but on the husband of four months and ten duty and determination. For saying - peace be upon him -: (it is not permissible for a woman who believes in God and the other day to challenge the dead above three only on the husband of four months and ten) ().And the eighth reason: to learn the limit that God Almighty denied to those who forbade his adornment, which brought to his slaves and good things of livelihood, and this shows that it is not permissible to be deprived of adornment except what God and His Messenger, and God Almighty has been denied in the words of His Messenger - peace be upon him - Adornment mourning for the deceased her husband four months and ten, and mourning allowed to leave on non-husband three days is not permissible forbidden other than what is forbidden God, but is the origin of permissibility.The ninth reason: to be a mourning lesson for the United to be considered by the difference of the Lord of the House, and to know that death comes without a deadline, we do not know who is the owner of the grave next to this we buried, and if the death has passed us to others, will skip others to us, let us take care, and the rest of the world Beard .. And what is alive on the world remaining.The research was divided into five sections, starting with an introduction and ending with a conclusion.I dealt with in the first topic: the definition of mourning language and terminology, with a statement of his mandate and the wisdom of it.In the second section, who should mourn, and when to begin.It dealt with the third section, the housing and residence of the United, and excuses permitting the dead in the non-marital housing.In the fourth section, the sanctity of the good
