

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the noble prophets and messengers of Muhammad and his family and companions.As for ... after the abolition of the provision (thought and sisters), I have already discussed in this provision in the acts (thought and sisters) and other acts.In my research, I have devoted the cancellation to the letters. There are a lot of letters that work on terms, if one of those conditions is lost or come after it to stop work is canceled its work either obligatory or permissible.Abolition in the language: - Taken from (Lagha), it is said that this word was canceled any I saw invalid and virtue, and canceled the thing invalidated, and canceled from the number delivered by him. (1)As for the terminology: - It is invalidation of the work by word and place (2), and Ibn Iyaz (3), that the cancellation invalidation work altogether is permissible and is not obligatory, you have to shed the worker on the employee, or not Ttlth him on the origin.The reason for the cancellation is that the worker has been misplaced from the sentence (4).I have divided this research into several sections dealt with at first (that and her sisters), where her work was canceled to come (Ma) after all, and then the letters diluted from them (if, but), these letters were canceled because of mitigation.Then she mentioned the texts of the tense of the present tense, which were abolished because of the loss of one of the conditions of her work (that, and then) women titles of the tense present.Hence (no) negation of sex, which was the reason for the invalidation of her work is to separate them from her name or repetition or the coming of knowledge after.And then dealt with (Ma) the work is not work, and has several conditions, if one of them lost abolished from workIn the last section I looked at the prepositions (Kaf and Ruba), canceled her work to enter (what) excess after Vtkfma work.
