

Praise be to Allaah, who taught the Qur'an. He created man, taught him the statement. Praise be to Allaah, who taught the pen. He taught man what he did not know. It was the best books was the best of the apostles, save him from his enemies and save his book of distortion and switch.       And after: For the grace of God to give him the gift of understanding in religion, and demonstrates the paths of that understanding, to inspire the senses in what he says and what he does, as the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him: (Whoever responds to him good in the religion and inspire his senses) (1).       There are many ways, and different ways to reach an understanding of the provisions of the law of Islam, but all of these methods in detail and statement to the language that came down the Book of God, and received the year of His Messenger, peace be upon him, this is the language of the Arabs in which God was deposited It is the graphic secrets that made it meet all the new things in the lives of Muslims.       This is what led the Muslims - since the early Islamic times - to pay attention to this language, and to find out its components and hidden, they grilled seriously, and did their best to take care of them, especially the days that they felt that the threat to its existence after entering into Islam non-Arabs The melody spread among their children, and the linguistic accent heralded the loss of their eloquence and eloquence.     Efforts continued to preserve Arabic with the progression of times, and emerged throughout the centuries that passed the glory of scientists took all their lives to search and scrutinize the issues of this language, and delve into the arts and literature, each of them was serving them through what God cast in the magnificence of those Arts and arts, they showed people to Taifha, and showed its beauty, and explained the splendor and splendor.       This is related to the meaning of reading the Koran in Arabic, which in turn is based on the provisions of legitimacy, and this, which led me to choose a topic that includes reading, language and interpretation, Vsttn God and chose Subject: (the impact of Quranic readings in guiding the interpretative meaning) because the language and readings share with the law in some of the general rules on which the branch of jurisprudence many of the provisions
