

In order to determine the meaning of the word, its meaning in terms of
clarity has a significant impact on the interpretation of texts, the
development of judgments, and the commissioning of words and their
meanings in the Islamic Shari'a. The words mentioned in the Qur'aan
and Sunnah is from the verses and the hadiths of the rulings. The
fundamentalists divided them on the rulings that the legislator wanted.
They are divided into two parts: Section 1: Meaningful meaning.
Meaning of the meaning does not require an order outside of it. Section
II: vague meaning of meaning needs to understand the meaning of it to
something outside of it. The words are clear, meaning that they do not
need to be understood as something that is outside of them. Their levels
of clarity vary in meaning. They are not one degree in the clarity of
judgment, but some of them are clearer than others.
