

(The rules of renewal in contemporary interpretation)
The Quran is the book of Allah and His Word and the Constitution of the Nation, and has been paid attention from the first glance to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and to our present time, has not received any book throughout history, including the Holy Quran of the care of the Supreme recitation and conservation and interpretation where known The historical march, to explain the latest developments resulted in the resurgence of the new by the scientists in the modern era, and emerged several contemporary approaches to interpretation, and new readings, "and appeared in return invitations scattered in the name of renewal sometimes, and contemporary at other times, and came out to us in other directions different, and directed their contributors to the texts And stripped them together In the sense of renewal and development, and keep pace with the changes of the times, and to cope with the events, and the needs of people and sent serious ideas and opinions beyond the right avenue and the right silent and has addressed them to address the response to their views and ideas, and the statement of shades, and revealed Suqha, Vajdoa and reported, but the guidance Efforts to respond and payment are not enough; it is necessary to articulate the correct approach in the renewal of interpretation, clarify its controls, and explain its concept, so that the renewal will be exclusively on the correct curricula and correct directions; and the term renewal has been exploited by many of the ignorant, Themselves to tampering with Dei Or from those who wanted to distort religion and Islam, and challenged by those who do not have ethics, and this is the renewal of the most topics that need to control the benefits of scientists working to the face of God, who tend to bring science in general and interpretation in particular in a modern and innovative way, Science and the orientalists and secularists, and others in daring them to the Koran and challenged them and these controls prevent the hackers from saying the book of God with no knowledge of them. Here came the idea of research under the title (controls renewal in contemporary interpretation) and has divided my research on the urges and several demands addressed in The first topic: The concept of renewal and interpretation and its motives, and in the second subject: the rules of renewal and ethics in the modern era and the conclusion of the most important results of the research, including away from everything that contravenes the purposes of religion and its origins and Islamic constants under the pretext of renewal and development and keep pace with the times, the Islamic religion is valid for all time and place, And the other to progress and progress and those who seek a religion other than Islam, it has a living hardship, and the interpreter, taking into account the general and special controls in its interpretative approach and controls that belong to him as renewed, and avoid extremism and extremism and sectarian intolerance and collect all these controls.
