
After the praise of Allah and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions, a large group of this nation emerged who are the stars of religion, they wrote the classifications and looked at their narrators wounds, modified interruption and connected. Among these imams were the celebrity: Imam Badr al-Din al-'Eaini, the genius in science, which was known for his many classifications. I was determined to read his biography and his knowledge in the Hadith. His book "Nakhab Al-Afkar" was destined to me, in which he ruled on the hadiths of Imam al-Tahawi's book "sharh maani Al-Athar" In which I chose the Hadiths that he weakened in "Bab Al-Salam fi Al-Salah" because the importance this subject for the controversy between the scholars and follow his work in it, then I will gather the words of the scholars who agree and disagree with the Imam Al-Aini and then i chose the most likely among the sayings
