
This search vocabulary based on the look of Bediuzzaman said Nursi Allaah have mercy of mysticism by writing the lights of truth, which shows what the way and derivatives thereof on the one hand and the seeker and the people of the State on the other hand, terms which are still under discussion between supporters and Navin. It may Allah have mercy on him-takes light verses hard facts give validity of belief and how to elders Naqshbandi from taking two sentences as they perform their recitation wird butter their own sentences: (hey the rest of you rest, rest of you rest) and they are under God's [all mortal but his face his judgement Huwa] [Qassas:88]. And he changed the reader deep into a look at the glossary and shed, where some of them as fact proved how behaviour and walk and the mandate extension for the seeker, and clarify some of them as benefits in nine points, and the most important denominators for the aspirant that same selfishness and whims and showmanship, noting that sourcing dances is the love of self, God's mercy distinguishes between perception of pantheism, the majority finds that the term blasphemy pure and bediuzzaman Pantheism confining consideration of the existence of a duty, and that other assets faint shadow and faked and they don't deserve it as being about (arsh), bediuzzaman did not hide his notes on the road fall seeker, his celestial imprint on eight points, warning that these pitfalls out all mystical about Grand Avenue and straight path.
