
This topic deals with the importance of vision in the religion and its relationship with some doctrinal sections (divinities, prophecies and heard things) that relate to the vision of God in a dream And prophecy as one of the precursors to it and a part of their parts, and it for the prophets is revelation of God as well as seeing the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And the link of visions with spirit, the world of the jinn, the angels and science of the unseen. And we will show the link between vision and all those sections that are at the heart of the Islamic faith, and we will look at the importance of visions to strengthen the foundations of faith for a Muslim, waking him and warnings him of the pitfalls, they are either good news or a warning for him. Moreover, the expression of the vision is of the Fatwa and religion, so it must come from science and inspiration, No one may interprets if he is not from the people of this science, being a good person, adviser and a loving which are the terms of vision interpreter. Also it may not be lying in which, and other small parts which will become clearer in the various folds of the search.
