
Praise be to God first and foremost, and peace and blessings be upon the seal of the prophets and messengers, that God sent him to all people glad tidings and a warner, and his family and his companions Ohmaan, and followed them until the Day of religion. Find speaks of a world of Shafi'i scholars, but it is the Imam pharmacist is Mohammed bin Daud bin Mohammed Daoudi, only to biographical and classes did not remember days and not a place of his birth, the only year of his death reported (T. 427 e) that these flags were collected opinions of jurisprudence in the works a private, not annexed independent books, but remained scattered among the stomachs of the books of fiqh, was the desire of me in facilitating the benefit of their knowledge, it tended to collect Arau jurisprudence in the section of the Hadith, a door of the judiciary and shows through the transfer of his views by leading scholars of the Shafi'i in their books such as Imam Jouini, and al-Ghazali, and nuclear, and other pharmaceutical Imam doctrine approved in more views, has agreed with other schools of fiqh, it is like any other hardworking does not come out for his doctrine only rarely. Dealt with in this paper some accountability eliminate them possibility of taking the judge eyebrow and irremovability commentator judge on the condition read the book himself, and hear the case and the evidence, the absentee Governing Council nor condemn him until Ahoudruadm be sentenced to discount the present Governing Council before his question. It must be stated in the lawsuit ingratitude on the absent when the prosecution has violated the doctrine of Imam pharmacist in some matters.
And Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions
