
The book wounded by Ibn Hibbaan from biographies and wound and the amendment of the scientific status venerable and useful, as and his work standing; he is talking Endowed Scholars; for Tbhrh this flag, and his criticism of the narrators, and his style and the private approach, and its provisions and Astenbatath in the many venerable scientific his works. The scourge of illusion related to the error and slippage and tweaking and distortion, hardly recognizes them only what the womb of Lord of the narrators maintain and extraordinary and pundits of expert and Tammy disciple them, has been described by many of the narrators and used by many critics wound narrators this phrase of words wound and the amendment, and it was all one of them used by private Balachtakkak them and their structures with other words style; to form words and phrase to refer to a particular provision indicates the wound of the narrator and the statement and his main concern and his mistake, Koukuah heart or change or switch or disorder or input writ or tenderloin or both enter each other place and so the kinds of fantasies Positive bowl adjust this narrator. Was the son of Habban critics of men who used this word and its derivatives and their structures, the methodology of its own and distinct from the other and the style in the book (the wounded), its use and its launch of the word illusion on the narrators and their significance and formulation with phrases and other words to determine the precise explained and detailed statement in the wound of the narrators, it has been approved by its provisions the narrators wound scientists and others Amendment General did not disagree but was rarely accurate rightly general provisions. The son Habban Description 62 Roya word illusion or one of the words derived from it, So it was used seven words, namely: (1 illusion: He described the 28 Roya. 2. They are: Roya has been described by one. 3. matter: 9 has been described by the narrators. and matter: The description of the 8-tellers. Phantasm: The description of the four narrators. The main concern: The description by 10 narrators. Tohma: has been described by Raoyen), and rode these words with other words and phrases other wound, to formulate the words indicative of the degree They narrator and his wound and the cause of this illusion
