
Praise be to Allah and peace be upon His messenger and all his companions.
After the completion of my research , I will survey what I have reached, though in matters related to politics , yet some of them are related to the fundamentals of Belief. After surveying it , it become clear. The most outstanding results are:
1. If the Islamic political regime is governed by the sharie and all conditions are achieved , it should not be stood against. If , on the other hand the regime loses one condition or it abandons the rule by sharie , it is to be stood against.

2. The prime Arabic Revolution against the Ottomans state which governed by the sharie is the biggest calamity of the Arabs. Such a revolution has political motifs and covetousness with the authority forced them to accept the abandon of sharie in lieu of.

3. Whosoever killed for the sake of Allah is in the highest degree of martyrdom . There are lower stages however. Those who are killed as oppressed are also martyrs. The evidences which are said in this affair pin point the degrees amongst them. Similarly , who is killed in demonstration for the application of sharie or for the sake of pushing oppression , generally is considered a martyr.
