
The present study has dealt with the natural phenomena that are associated with the noble names and supreme attributes in the Holy Quran. It has tried to expose reasons behind the association between this or that phenomenon with this name or that attribute to present a clear picture as researchers have never cared about such a subject although they have great literature in the domain of interpretation. The study is divided into an introduction, two chapters, references and a conclusion as follows; Introduction:
Chapter One: Association of noble name with night and day phenomena this chapter consists of three sections;
Section One: Association (ALsamia ALalem) with night and day phenomena this chapter consists of three sections .
Section Two: Association (ALaziz ALalem) with night and day phenomena this chapter consists of three sections .
Section Three: Association (ALsamia ALbaser) with night and day phenomena this chapter consists of three sections .
Chapter Two: association of noble names with night rain, water, and sky.
Section One: Association(ALwaly ALhamed)with rain phenomena.
Section Two: Association(ALkader) with water phenomena.
Section Three: Association(ALraoof ALrahem) with sky phenomena.
