
The title of this research is " The interpreting guide of the ten readings ways or recitation of Surat Mohammed peace be up on him as a sample "
This research included: an introduction , two parts of discussions and a conclusion. Here is in a brief:
1. The interpreting recitation or reading is a way in interpreting .This way of reading depends on or aims to discover the secrets of the Holy Qur'an revelation.

2. The differences of reciting the Holy Qur'an is a differences of linguistics structures not a kind of contrast nor changing into against meanings as it happened with some scientists or mullahs.

3. The well known copy of The Holy Qur'an which is between our hands , that we worship Allah in recitation. This copy has been written on the form of Haffs from Asim the mercy of Our God "Allah" for them. It is just one way of reading or recitation from the ten ways were followed in Arabic language to The Holy Qur'an Readings, all of these ten ways of reading are from Allah, which comes from the way of revelation of The Holly Qur'an.
4. The interpreting guide of these ten readings ways or recitation of The Holy Qur'an, are important means that help us to understand the real or right meaning of the Holy Qur'an. It is an active device in Arabic language among its people
