
I’ve just written about these two great verses of Al-Ahzab, which scientists call it verses that absence of constraints and it’s stated that the provisions in socialized wives of the prophet, (peace be upon him).and he raised their priority and the priority of Al Prophet (Peace be upon him), and the virtues of good people between Muslim men and women. This has been interpreted by analytical explanation any pause among every word in it, in analyzing language and the readings and the reasons for the descent as well as the purposes for which it included: year, including a push for honesty in fidelity to go to Allah, and the private destination in a special breeding prophecy house and assigned as befits, and what showed from the educational interpretation of the verses which is taking care of directing Muslim activity, and also the provisions of verses learned that scientists devised a number of legal judgments, and ask Allah that I’ve been able to research and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds
