
Praise be to Allah, who is righteous praise, and the best prayer and peace to the master of creation Muhammad, and his family and companions.
The Almighty God created human being and his generosity to other creatures,It explained the Holy Quran several aspects of the divine honor of human being,Which is distinguish by the mind,Allah Almighty did not give a creature such as this gift, make good food and drink, and singled out the sons of Adam Bataibat of livelihood, this was not gift to other creatures.
The taibat of the words mentioned in the holy Quran and falls below all kind and relish words, relish his breath and kind his body,And it types one of them the good from the livelihood, and saying, posterity, and others, and that her worldly impact in the life of the individual and society, and halal gaining affect on the development and prosperity and the movement of life and building the ground, and good word and good posterity affect the cohesion of the family and society.coupling holy Quran between altaibat and eating and between the godly work, and that a reference to the relationship between the altaibat and gaining, and the effect on the eschatological work and acceptance of work, and in response to pray, and the prayers of the good boy - one of the posterity Taibh- to his parents after their deaths, these result of good deeds coupled with eating taibat , and earn al halal .
